October 10, 2012

Why some sports heroes are black swans and not brand ambassadors

Interesting piece of news today on www.lequipe.fr....the FC Barcelona, employer of David Villa, have banned him from releasing a commercial he shot with EAS some time ago. Why? Because they are very cautious about what image their players convey. And the impact it would have on the club's image. The link here  David Villa kicks it bad.

Here we are :  the modern gladiator, the football ( sorry I cannot get used to that soccer thing!) player think he can get away with murder and gets caught the hands in the cookie jar. Seriously, David, what were you THINKING?!

Truth is, FC Barcelona have just prevented a marketing "black swan"...

Many contemporary marketers, for lack of ideas,  will monetize ( what a bad word ) the supposed moral / ethical / emotional attributes of professional sportsmen-women and seek to turn them into brand assets. Along the lines of "champions with standards know that my " ( insert your product ) " is what they need to perform. So it must be good for you, kiddo / lady / macho man"....and then the whole thing will collapse at regular intervals. Very much like Nassim Nicolas Taleb's black swans ( as defined on wikipedia : unexpected events of large magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events, considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger roles than regular occurrences . read the book, it is brilliant ).

The Magic with black swans is that they WILL happen. And most probably when you dont expect them....Examples are aplenty , especially for us French fans.
Our biggest football star, ...EVER...., head buts an italian bandit in the finals of the world Cup 2006. The finals, dumbo. The one event more televised than the birth of the heir to the english and japanese crowns united. In one head-but, millions spent on yogurt and water advertising are thrown through the window. Even though the French are still debating the case because the bandito had actually insulted the guy's sister. But if you sell yogurt and water to my mum, it really does not matter. Zidane is off and sent into penitence for a few years.
4 years later, our football players go on strike ( yes, we French people love to go on strike ), during the world cup ( yes, we also love to screw up  things very publicly ). That is, after some of the leaders of the team had been sued for having sex with an underage lingerie model. Hu...sponsorship deals anyone? More yogurts and spring water ?
To top it all, the captain of our national handball team, double olympic gold medallist, double world champion, etc,...decides to put some butter in his spinach by betting ...against his own club team for one of the last game of the season - because they had already won the championship anyway. But because he knows he is not even allowed to bet FOR his own team, let alone against, he asked his girlfriend to do it for him so that he is legally safe ( sweet and smart ze French ). And he will probably...but without the yogurt and the spring water deals.

I am not saying the French are all bad. Nor that the ypgurt and spring water guys are thick. And i stay away from mentioning Lance Armstrong to avoid being sued. I am saying sports heroes are not always an easy way to invest your marketing monies. And a significant proportion might even be black swans in waiting.

Just talk to the folks at Nike, they have become brilliant at handling crisis management. Now, here is another thing one can admire with Nike..they stick with their guys, no matter what, in a very sporty way. Kind of us guys understand each other. They stick with Lebron, with Tiger, with Lance ( even though very discreetly these days, please do not sue me). Because they know sportsmen are more gladiators than gurus. And that their business is "panem and circuses" ( bread and circus ) not the League of Virtue. Does it mean than Nike has no morality. For sure not. But their brand message is clearly dissociated from the performance messages "their" modern day heroes champions help them convey so that they do not only rely on champs to sell you the fantasy that you body is a temple. And when they want to communicate their values, they portray...you and me! Which would indicate that they have thought it through before they sign those contracts. Its a strategy, not an opportunity.

I have now lauded Nike twice in 2 weeks. It might be time to return to my real work! And let me develop the most brilliant sports strategy my employer has ever seen.

Good night and good luck

October 2, 2012

If I had a million years more to live...i would give it to Nike?

I came across this new NIKE commercial today and felt compelled to share. The challenge is obvious : this generation ( yes, your kids ) is the first one that is expected to die 5 years younger than their parents. Note that the folks at Nike do not give you the watered down version of ...will live 5 years less than their parents on average, based on a WHO survey.....No, they go for the formulation that will make you stop and do not shy away from the "D" word.
But who or what is the Nike foundation or what are they doing that allows them to talk to me like this?
the only thing that i would grant them as a consumer ( i would prefer the latin "hombre de pie" but not sure how it translates in Engellish ? ) is that they are legitimate in the world of  sports. And what they bring to the party is their knowledge that the "habit to practice sports is disappearing at alarming speed in some parts of the world"...so that is it. You are smart human beings and you make the connection...health / sports habits / Nike....they have a legitimate role, even more so as they communicate via the Nike Foundation and not just by using one of their sports athletes or shoes.  The idea to go through kids to get a watchable piece of communications is simply brilliant as kids do better at inventing a bright future than adults who would have a tendency to just want to rewind 5 years back and watch jersey shores again, this time with the knowledge that snooky ( schnooky? Spooky?) gets pregnant in the end. As for me, I am forever grateful to the little girl who would get more hamsters or the boy who would go after aliens. without mentioning the kid who would build something in wood. except she just realises she has no woods and that Nike cannot do anything about this. You made my day.
Now, if you want to know more, simply log onto www.designedtomove.org.
And get those running shoes out of your closets.
Good job, ladies and gents at the Nike Foundation.
Good night and good luck